
Arterial and Portal Vein Embolization

Arterial and Portal Vein Embolization

Arterial and portal vein embolization is a technique used to help re-grow the liver prior to liver tumor resection surgery.  During this procedure a needle is placed through the skin into the liver.  Your GITS team will detect the blood vessel going to the side of the liver that has the tumor and they will cut the vessel.  When this occurs, it makes the other side of the liver grow. 

Portal vein embolization (PVE) is a useful procedure in the preoperative treatment of patients selected for major hepatic resection. PVE is performed via either the percutaneous transhepatic or the transileocolic route and is usually reserved for patients whose future liver remnants are too small to allow resection. It is a safe and effective method for inducing selective hepatic hypertrophy of the non-diseased portion of the liver and may thereby reduce complications and shorten hospital stays after resection.

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